A tweet is defined as a post on Twitter. A Twitter post has a maximum of 280 characters. The act of adding or posting a tweet is referred to as tweeting. Twitter, which has a total of 330 million monthly active users, sees 500 million tweets per day. With such numbers, it can only mean that there are highly engaged users on the platform. Twitter defines itself as ‘What is Happening Now,’ meaning it is a real-time platform. People across the world connect with what is happening across the world the same time it is happening. Twitter has always been preferred when it comes to sharing events that are happening like live tweeting about a natural disaster or global event like Olympics or football.
Why Grow Followers on Twitter
Growing followers on Twitter is very important for brands and businesses. It is a means to increase engagement and to make more sales for a business.
According to a research done by Twitter partnering with Research Now, 93.3% of people who follow medium-sized business (SMB) plan to purchase from them and 68.7% of people following a medium-sized business have made a purchase with an SMB once or twice (Lewis, n.d.).
So, Twitter users will not follow a business or brand blindly. Most of them follow if they intend to buy from them, and with time they become advocates. Customers or Twitter users are the best brand advocates.
Based on research, 85% of Twitter users say that they feel more connected to a business after they follow them (Perzyk, 2013). So, businesses have a job to ensure that whatever they share contributes to the growth of their connection with their followers.
This means that the tweets they create have to be strategically prepared and customized. Other than preparing a customized tweet, there are other factors to consider while posting on Twitter like frequency and consistency of posting. You need to be able to post at a specific hour of the day and for specific number of times every day to keep your followers engaged. To ensure all this is met, scheduling tweets is very important.
Scheduling of tweets is same as planning what to post and the exact time you want it posted in advance.
Importance of scheduling Tweets
Ensure quality and consistency - Planning ahead helps you come up with quality content and gives you time to review and in case you are caught up in a certain day, you don’t have to worry about consistency in posting.
Scheduling tweets help ensure you share quality tweets and that you have a consistent presence on the platform. The more tweets you share, the more visible you are to your audience. Also, if you share your content a specific time of the day every single day without missing, your followers will always stick to your plan and expect the daily posts at that exact time.
Helps you be social when the conversation is happening – Scheduling posts is not done blindly, most of the scheduled posts are shared when there is high engagement on Twitter or hours when your target audience is most likely to be online. It will give you more time to participate in conversations with your audience.
Increases productivity – By easing the burden of making tweets when you want to tweet, you can be more productive during a day with lesser distractions. If you are making 15 tweets a day, you will be required to stop whatever you are doing 15 different times to craft a post, login to Twitter, and post it.
However, with schedule posting you can go on with your daily activities uninterrupted and your posts will still be shared. You get more time to take care of your business.
Helps you increase engagement - Schedule posting allows you to focus on Twitter experiences and communicating with users. The time you could have used to craft new posts is now used to retweet/share like, or reply/comment on your post in response to your followers’ comments. These are metrics of engagement and determine your success as a brand or business.
How to Schedule on Twitter
Twitter allows you to schedule tweets through their Ads section referred to as Twitter Dashboard. The Dashboard is not available on regular user accounts. So, you will need to open an Ads account tobe able to schedule posts. You can schedule any of your tweet here be itpromoted or organic. By following these steps, you can schedule post with your Twitter Dashboard.
· First, login into your twitter Ads account and click on tweets option under creatives lab.
· Second, click on new tweet. A tweet composer will be opened. Select whether you want todo it as promoted or organic.
· Third, craft your tweet on the tweet composer.
· Fourth, go to the drop-down menu located next to tweet option and choose the date and time you want the post to be posted by selecting the scheduling tab.
· Lastly, click on tweet and your scheduling will be completed.
Schedule posting on Twitter alone can be an easy task to complete for many of you. But given that your online presence may be in other social media platforms, this procedure may not be very helpful because not all platforms have a scheduling tool and the work of scheduling one platform after the other is burdensome. At this point, you need to apply scheduling technology where you can schedule posts for multiple social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest from one Dashboard. With C180’s technology Dashboard180 you can better organize your posts and schedule them. You are able to schedule posts for the most popular social media platforms.
Visit our service page to learn more about our social media mannagement services.
Lewis, C. (n.d.). How valuable are yourfollowers? Twitter for Business | Twitter tips, tools, and best practices. https://business.twitter.com/en/blog/how-valuable-are-your-followers.html
Perzyk, T. (2013, August 22). Survey: How smalland medium-sized businesses benefit from their Twitter presence. Blog. https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/a/2013/survey-how-small-and-medium-sized-businesses-benefit-from-their-twitter-presence.html